people who were there then 意味
- そのときそこにいた人々{ひとびと}
- people 1people n. 人々, 人民, 従者, 家族; 国民, 民族. 【動詞+】 The inn can accommodate 300
- who who pron. だれ. 【+動詞】 Who's calling? (電話で)どちらさまですか Who cares? 《口語》
- there there 彼の地 かのち 彼方 かなた あなた あちら 彼処 あそこ あすこ かしこ 其処 そこ
- then 1then n. そのとき. 【前置詞+】 I shall not start before then. 私はそのときまでは出発しない
- people who were once opposed to かつて~に反対{はんたい}していた人々{ひとびと}
- all the people who were left behind 残された人たち全員{ぜんいん}
- give space to people who were supporting the bombs and space to people who were opposed to the bombs 空爆賛成派{くうばく さんせいは}にも反対派{はんたい は}にも譲歩{じょうほ}する
- mourn all the people who were killed over the past years これまでに亡くなった方々全員を追悼{ついとう}する
- those who were chosen 当選者{とうせんしゃ}
- those who were not invited 招待{しょうたい}に漏れた人々{ひとびと}
- those who were present 出席者{しゅっせき しゃ}
- physically abused by parents who were abused when they were children 《be ~》子どものころに親に虐待{ぎゃくたい}された経験{けいけん}を持つ両親から肉体的{にくたいてき}な虐待{ぎゃくたい}を受ける
- whereabouts of japanese nationals who were reported missing 行方不明{ゆくえ ふめい}が報じられた日本人{にほんじん}[日本国民{にほん こくみん}]の消息{しょうそく}
- examine people who are sick 病人{びょうにん}を診察{しんさつ}する